
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dual RFM12B board testing notes

Now I have jumper wired the following configuration.

1. SPI Ground, MOSI, MISO connected to both RFM12B's corresponding pins.

2. SPI nSelect0 connected to RFM12B #1.

3. SPI nSelect1 connected to RFM12B #2

4. Scope channel 1 to RFM12B #1 external mpu clock set to 2 MHz.

5. Scope Channel 2 to RFM12B #2 external mpu clock default 1 MHz.

Next step is to write the test function which does the following.

1. Create 2 WiringPi spi objects, one for each RFM12B

2. Set RFM12B #1 clock to 5 MHz.

3. Set RFM12B #2 clock to 10 MHz


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