After reading the os.path thing, I now know how to do pathnames in Windows7 IDLE.
fullname = os.path.join('h:\\fonggame', name)
I also needed to download the bmp and wav files before I could run the file.
So it took me about 4 hours to learn how to run this demo file!
There is still a slight problem. The whiff sound does not seem to work. But this is not that important. What is the most important to me is how to do the keyboard event thing.
#/usr/bin/env python
This simple example is used for the line-by-line tutorial
that comes with pygame. It is based on a 'popular' web banner.
Note there are comments here, but for the full explanation,
follow along in the tutorial.
#Import Modules
import os, pygame
from pygame.locals import *
if not pygame.font: print 'Warning, fonts disabled'
if not pygame.mixer: print 'Warning, sound disabled'
#functions to create our resources
def load_image(name, colorkey=None):
fullname = os.path.join('h:\\fonggame', name)
image = pygame.image.load(fullname)
except pygame.error, message:
print 'Cannot load image:', fullname
raise SystemExit, message
image = image.convert()
if colorkey is not None:
if colorkey is -1:
colorkey = image.get_at((0,0))
image.set_colorkey(colorkey, RLEACCEL)
return image, image.get_rect()
def load_sound(name):
class NoneSound:
def play(self): pass
if not pygame.mixer or not pygame.mixer.get_init():
return NoneSound()
fullname = os.path.join('data', name)
sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(fullname)
except pygame.error, message:
print 'Cannot load sound:', fullname
raise SystemExit, message
return sound
#classes for our game objects
class Fist(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
"""moves a clenched fist on the screen, following the mouse"""
def __init__(self):
pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) #call Sprite initializer
self.image, self.rect = load_image('fist.bmp', -1)
self.punching = 0
def update(self):
"move the fist based on the mouse position"
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
self.rect.midtop = pos
if self.punching:
self.rect.move_ip(5, 10)
def punch(self, target):
"returns true if the fist collides with the target"
if not self.punching:
self.punching = 1
hitbox = self.rect.inflate(-5, -5)
return hitbox.colliderect(target.rect)
def unpunch(self):
"called to pull the fist back"
self.punching = 0
class Chimp(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
"""moves a monkey critter across the screen. it can spin the
monkey when it is punched."""
def __init__(self):
pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) #call Sprite intializer
self.image, self.rect = load_image('chimp.bmp', -1)
screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
self.area = screen.get_rect()
self.rect.topleft = 10, 10
self.move = 9
self.dizzy = 0
def update(self):
"walk or spin, depending on the monkeys state"
if self.dizzy:
def _walk(self):
"move the monkey across the screen, and turn at the ends"
newpos = self.rect.move((self.move, 0))
if self.rect.left < self.area.left or \
self.rect.right > self.area.right:
self.move = -self.move
newpos = self.rect.move((self.move, 0))
self.image = pygame.transform.flip(self.image, 1, 0)
self.rect = newpos
def _spin(self):
"spin the monkey image"
center =
self.dizzy = self.dizzy + 12
if self.dizzy >= 360:
self.dizzy = 0
self.image = self.original
rotate = pygame.transform.rotate
self.image = rotate(self.original, self.dizzy)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=center)
def punched(self):
"this will cause the monkey to start spinning"
if not self.dizzy:
self.dizzy = 1
self.original = self.image
def main():
"""this function is called when the program starts.
it initializes everything it needs, then runs in
a loop until the function returns."""
#Initialize Everything
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((468, 60))
pygame.display.set_caption('Monkey Fever')
#Create The Backgound
background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
background = background.convert()
background.fill((250, 250, 250))
#Put Text On The Background, Centered
if pygame.font:
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
text = font.render("Pummel The Chimp, And Win $$$", 1, (10, 10, 10))
textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=background.get_width()/2)
background.blit(text, textpos)
#Display The Background
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
#Prepare Game Objects
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
whiff_sound = load_sound('wind_blowing.wav') # downloaded from
punch_sound = load_sound('strong_punch.wav') # downloaded from
chimp = Chimp()
fist = Fist()
allsprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain((fist, chimp))
#Main Loop
while 1:
#Handle Input Events
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE:
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if fist.punch(chimp): #punch
else: #miss
elif event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP:
#Draw Everything
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
#Game Over
#this calls the 'main' function when this script is executed
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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