
Saturday, April 06, 2013

Guzunty Pi's available cores - campbellsan

Now I am visiting Guzunty Pi's page on the available cores, before getting my feet wet on the 7 segment driver core.



If you do not see a suitable core below, please raise a 'new core request' issue with a 
description of your requirement in the body of the issue. 

To do this, click the Issues tab above and click on 'New Issue' to get started.
For each available core, there are two links. 'fitter report' links to a report on what resources were 
used, and what the pinouts are. 

Near the end of the report is an ascii art rendering of the chip with a legend showing which signals 
are assigned where. Unused pins are labeled 'KPR' (for 'Keeper'). However, a Guzunty user is more 
interested in the 'Loc' column in the Outputs and Inputs tables. These id codes match with the 
labels on the Guzunty PCB.
The 'wave' link shows you a waveform view, a logic analyser like view of the signals as they change 
over time under control of the test bench (every core has a test bench). 

Each waveform is accompanied by some comments explaining what is going on.

Output heavy
Input heavy
Pulse Width Modulation
LEGEND: o = output, i = input, p = pwm - Upper case means direct IO not via SPI
Specialised cores

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