# ftmain v1.21 tlfong01 2013may22
ProgramTitle = "FongToy v1.22 tlfong01 2013may22 "
import sys
import time
import smbus
import pdb
import spidev
import wiringpi
import wiringpi2
import RPIO as GPIO
from RPIO import PWM
from enum import Enum
from subprocess import call
import ftgpio
import ftprint
import ftspi
import ftiox
import fteeprom
import ftguzuntypi
import ftdemux
import fttest
# *** Main program ***
# *** Start program message ***
# *** Troubleshooting tests ***
# *** GPIO tests ***
# ftgpio.TestLed()
# ftgpio.TestBuzzer()
# ftgpio.TestButtonEchoBuzzer()
# ftgpio.TestButtonEchoLed()
# *** SPI tests ***
# ftspi.TestSpiLoopBack(spiChannelNumber = 0, spiChipEnableNumber = 1, testDataByte = 0x55, testCount = 1000, testTime = 0.001)
# ftiox.TestMcp23s17BlinkLed(spiChannelNumber = 0, spiChipEnableNumber = 0, spiChipSubAddress = 0)
# fteeprom.TestWriteReadEepormDataByte(spiChannelNumber = 0, spiChipEnableNumber = 1, startAddress = 0x0410, testDataByte = 0x55)
# ftguzuntypi.TestGuzuntyPi4digit7segmentLedModule(spiChannelNumber = 0, spiChipEnableNumber = 1)
# *** Demux tests ***
# ftdemux.TestSelectSpiSlaveDevice(spiChannelNumber = 0, spiChipEnableNumber = 0, spiIoxSubAddress = 0, spiSlaveDeviceNumber = 5)
# fttest.TestDemuxEeprom(mcp23s17SubAddress = 0, eepromDemuxAddress = 2, testStartAddress = 0x0123, testWriteDataByte = 0x5a)
# fttest.TestDemuxEeprom(mcp23s17SubAddress = 0, eepromDemuxAddress = 1, testStartAddress = 0x0123, testWriteDataByte = 0x3b)
# fttest.TestDemuxEeprom(mcp23s17SubAddress = 0, eepromDemuxAddress = 0, testStartAddress = 0x0123, testWriteDataByte = 0x3b)
# fttest.TestDemuxGuzuntyClock(mcp23s17SubAddress = 0, guzuntyClockDemuxAddress = 2, secondCount = 10)
# *** Current test functions ***
# ftiox.TestMcp23s17BlinkLed(spiChannelNumber = 0, spiChipEnableNumber = 0, spiChipSubAddress = 0)
# ftdemux.TestSelectSpiSlaveDevice(spiChannelNumber = 0, spiChipEnableNumber = 0, spiIoxSubAddress = 0, spiSlaveDeviceNumber = 5)
# fttest.TestDemuxEeprom(mcp23s17SubAddress = 0, eepromDemuxAddress = 0, testStartAddress = 0x0123, testWriteDataByte = 0x3b)
# fttest.TestDemuxEeprom(mcp23s17SubAddress = 0, eepromDemuxAddress = 1, testStartAddress = 0x0411, testWriteDataByte = 0x4c)
# fttest.TestDemuxGuzuntyClock(mcp23s17SubAddress = 0, guzuntyClockDemuxAddress = 2, secondCount = 10)
# *** Stop program message ***
# ftgpio v1.2 tlfong01 2013may22
import RPIO as GPIO
import time
I2cBaseAddress20 = 0x20
I2cBaseAddress21 = 0x21
I2cBaseAddress22 = 0x22
I2cBaseAddress23 = 0x23
I2cBaseAddress24 = 0x24
I2cBaseAddress25 = 0x25
I2cBaseAddress26 = 0x26
I2cBaseAddress27 = 0x27
Mcp23017BaseAddress1 = 0x22 # LED, button
Mcp23008BaseAddress1 = 0x24 # stepping motors
Mcp23008BaseAddress2 = 0x25 # keypad
Mcp23008BaseAddress3 = 0x26 # LCD1602
Mcp23017BaseAddressSystemB1 = 0x20
Mcp23008BaseAddressSystemB1 = 0x21
Mcp23008BaseAddressSystemB1 = 0x21
RPiGPIOgen2 = 27 # P1-13 Test LED
RPiGPIOgen9 = 30 # P5-05 Buzzer
RPiGPIOgen10 = 31 # P5-06 Button
LEDpin = RPiGPIOgen2
BuzzerPin = RPiGPIOgen9
ButtonPin = RPiGPIOgen10
RPiTxD = 14 # P1-08 UART TxD
RPiRxD = 15 # P1-10 UART RxD
TxdPin = RPiTxD
RxdPin = RPiRxD
# * PCM, Clock, Interrupt *
RPiGPIOgen1 = 18 # P1-12 PCM_CLK
RPiGPIOGclk = 04 # P1-07 GPIO_GCLK
RPiGPIOgen6 = 25 # P1-22 IOx/keypad interrupt
RPiPcm = RPiGPIOgen1
RPiGpclk0 = RPiGPIOGclk
RpiGpioSpiSelect0 = 7 # SPI_CE1_N P1-26
RpiGpioSpiSelect1 = 8 # SPI_CE0_N P1-24
RpiGpioSpiMiso = 9 # SPI_MISO P1-21
RpiGpioSpiMosi = 10 # SPI_MOSI P1-10
RpiGpioSpiClk = 11 # SPI_SCLK P1-23
SpiClockPin = RpiGpioSpiClk
SpiMosiPin = RpiGpioSpiMosi
SpiMisoPin = RpiGpioSpiMiso
SpiSelect0Pin = RpiGpioSpiSelect0
SpiSelect1Pin = RpiGpioSpiSelect1
RpiGpioGen0 = 17 # GPIO_GEN0 P1-11 Jtag TCK
RpiGpioGen3 = 22 # GPIO_GEN0 P1-15 Jtag TDO
RpiGpioGen4 = 23 # GPIO_GEN4 P1-16 Jtag TDI
RpiGpioGen5 = 24 # GPIO_GEN5 P1-18 Jtag TMS
JtagTckPin = RpiGpioGen0
JtagTdoPin = RpiGpioGen3
JtagTdiPin = RpiGpioGen4
JtagTmsPin = RpiGpioGen5
# * GPIO Input/Output/Interrupt pin list ***************************************
OutputPinList = [LEDpin, BuzzerPin, TxdPin, RPiGpclk0, RPiPcm]
InputPinWithPullUpList = [ButtonPin, RxdPin, RPiGPIOgen6]
InputPinWithNoPullUpList = []
# * Input/Output pin list for debugging only *
# OutputPinList = [LEDpin, BuzzerPin, TxdPin, SpiClockPin, SpiMosiPin, SpiSelect0Pin, SpiSelect1Pin]
# InputPinWithPullUpList = [ButtonPin, RxdPin, RPiGPIOgen6, SpiMisoPin]
# JtagOutputPinList = [JtagTckPin, JtagTdoPin, JtagTmsPin, JtagTdiPin]
# JtagInputPinList = []
# JtagOutputPinList = [JtagTckPin, JtagTdoPin, JtagTmsPin]
# JtagInputPinList = [JtagTdiPin]
# *** Global constants *********************************************************
OnTime = 0.1 # On time = 0.01 second (10mS)
OffTime = 0.25 # Off time = 0.25 second (25 mS)
# *** Basic GPIO Setup/Read/Write Functions ***********************************
# * Nibble names *
LowNibble = 0
HighNibble = 1
# BothNibble = 2 # full byte of 8 bits
# * Nibble constants *
HighNibble1LowNibble0 = 0xf0
HighNibble0LowNibble1 = 0x0f
# * LED and buzzer states *
Off = False
On = True
# * Button states *
ButtonPressed = False
ButonReleased = True
# * Interrupt states *
Low = False
High = True
# * Setup, Read/Write GPIO pins *
# * Individual pins *
setupOutputPin = lambda oPin: GPIO.setup(oPin, GPIO.OUT) # set GPIO pin as output
setupInputPinWithNoPullUp = lambda iPin: GPIO.setup(iPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_OFF) # set GPIO pin as input, no pull up
setupInputPinWithPullUp = lambda iPin: GPIO.setup(iPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # set GPIO pin as input, with pull up
writeOutputPin = lambda oPin, oValue: GPIO.output(oPin, oValue) # write value to output pin
readInputPin = lambda iPin: GPIO.input(ButtonPin) # read value from input pin
setupWriteOutputPin = lambda oPin, oValue: (setupOutputPin(oPin), writeOutputPin(oPin, oValue)) # set and write
def SetupGPIO():
SetupGPIOpins(OutputPinList, InputPinWithNoPullUpList, InputPinWithPullUpList )
def CleanUpGpio():
def SetupGPIOpins(outputPinList, inputPinWithNoPullUpList, inputPinWithPullUpList):
for oPin in outputPinList:
setupWriteOutputPin(oPin, Off)
for iPin in inputPinWithNoPullUpList:
for iPin in inputPinWithPullUpList:
# * Basic LED/Buzzer/Button Functions *
def pulsePin(oPin, onTime, offTime): # blink LED or beep buzzer
writeOutputPin(oPin, On)
writeOutputPin(oPin, Off)
def echoPin(iPin, oPin): # echo input pin to output pin, e.g. button to LED or buzzer
while True:
if readInputPin(iPin) == ButonReleased:
pulsePin(oPin, OnTime, OffTime)
def togglePin(oPin, toggleTime): # toggle pin
writeOutputPin(oPin, On)
writeOutputPin(oPin, Off)
# *****************************************************************************
# Function - TestBuzzer() - v1.0 tlfong 2013may22
# Description - Beep 4 times
# *****************************************************************************
def TestBuzzer(): # beep 4 times
for i in range (4):
pulsePin(BuzzerPin, OnTime, OffTime)
# *****************************************************************************
# Function - TestLed() - v1.0 tlfong 2013may22
# Description - Beep 4 times
# *****************************************************************************
def TestLed(): # blink 4 times
for i in range (4):
pulsePin(LEDpin, OnTime, OffTime)
# *****************************************************************************
# Function - TestButtonEchoBuzzer() - v1.0 tlfong 2013may22
# *****************************************************************************
def TestButtonEchoBuzzer():
print "\n", "Press button 4 times.", "\n"
for i in range (4):
echoPin(ButtonPin, BuzzerPin)
# *****************************************************************************
# Function - TestButtonEchoLed() - v1.0 tlfong 2013may22
# *****************************************************************************
def TestButtonEchoLed():
print "\n", "Press button 4 times.", "\n"
for i in range (4):
echoPin(ButtonPin, LEDpin)
# *** not tested ***
def TestGpioPin(oPin, toggleTime, toggleCount):
for i in range(toggleCount):
togglePin(oPin, toggleTime)
def TestButtonEchoTxD():
print "\n", "Press button 4 times.", "\n"
for i in range (4):
echoPin(ButtonPin, TxdPin)
def TestButtonEchoRxD():
print "\n", "Press button 4 times.", "\n"
for i in range (4):
echoPin(ButtonPin, RxdPin)
def TestRxdEchoTxD():
print "\n", "RxD Echo TxD - Press button 4 times.", "\n"
for i in range (4):
echoPin(RxdPin, TxdPin)
def TestTxdPin(): # blink 4 times
for i in range (4):
pulsePin(TxdPin, OnTime, OffTime)
def TestRxdPin(): # blink 4 times
for i in range (4):
pulsePin(RxdPin, OnTime, OffTime)
def TestTxdPinRxdPin1(): # blink, read 4 times
for i in range (4):
writeOutputPin(TxdPin, On)
if readInputPin(RxdPin) == High:
print "RxD input = High"
print "RxD input = Low"
writeOutputPin(TxdPin, Off)
if readInputPin(RxdPin) == High:
print "RxD input = High"
print "RxD input = Low"
def TestTxdPinRxdPin2(): #
print "\n", "Short to Ground RxdPin 4 times.", "\n"
for i in range (4):
echoPin(RxdPin, TxdPin)
def SetupJtagGpio():
SetupGPIOpins(outputPinList = JtagOutputPinList, inputPinWithNoPullUpList = JtagInputPinList, inputPinWithPullUpList = [])
def TestJtagPins(toggleTime, testCount):
for i in range(testCount):
togglePin(JtagTckPin, toggleTime)
for i in range(testCount):
togglePin(JtagTdoPin, toggleTime)
for i in range(testCount):
togglePin(JtagTmsPin, toggleTime)
for i in range(testCount):
writeOutputPin(JtagTdoPin, 1)
if readInputPin(JtagTdiPin) == 1:
print "JtagTdiPin = 1"
print "JtagTdiPin = 0"
writeOutputPin(JtagTdoPin, 0)
if readInputPin(JtagTdiPin) == 1:
print "JtagTdiPin = 1"
print "JtagTdiPin = 0"
def TestInterruptPinFallingEdgeDetection(): # !!! OUT OF DATE, not sure if still working !!!
GPIO.cleanup() # set all input pins no pull up, disable all interutp detection setting
GPIO.set_low_event(InterruptPin) # set up low level detection
for i in range(30):
if GPIO.event_detected(InterruptPin):
print "No interrupt detected.", i
GPIO.set_low_event(InterruptPin, enable = False) # disable detection
print "End of test, or interrupt detected"
# ftprint v1.0 tlfong01 2013may20
import time
import RPIO as GPIO
import ftgpio
# *** Printing and debugging functions ***
# * Set/Reset one bit of a byte *
def SetDataBit(dataByte, bitIndex):
setDataByte = 0x01 << bitIndex
dataByte = dataByte | setDataByte
return dataByte
def ResetDataBit(dataByte, bitIndex):
resetDataByte = ~(0x01 << bitIndex)
dataByte = dataByte & resetDataByte
return dataByte
# * Print nibble/byte as 4/8 bit pattern for debugging *
def PrintFourBitPattern(message, dataByte):
fourBitPattern = ConvertIntegerToFourBitPattern(dataByte)
print message, fourBitPattern
def PrintEightBitPattern(message, dataByte):
eightBitPattern = ConvertIntegerToEightPattern(dataByte)
print message, eightBitPattern
def ConvertIntegerToFourBitPattern(integer):
FourBitPattern = [""]
for k in range(4):
FourBitPattern = [i+j for i in ['0','1'] for j in FourBitPattern]
return FourBitPattern[integer]
def ConvertIntegerToEightPattern(integer):
EightBitPattern = [""]
for k in range(8):
EightBitPattern = [i+j for i in ['0','1'] for j in EightBitPattern]
return EightBitPattern[integer]
# * Beep/Start/Stop program functions *
def StartProgram(programTitle):
message = "\n" + "*** Start Program - " + programTitle + " ***" + "\n"
print message
def StopProgram():
# print "\n" + "*** Resetting GPIO input, no pull up/down, no event detect. ***" + "\n"
print "\n" + "*** Stop Program ***" + "\n"
def Beep(count):
for i in range(count):
ftgpio.pulsePin(ftgpio.BuzzerPin, ftgpio.OnTime, ftgpio.OffTime)
def StartBeep():
def StopBeep():
def OneBeep():
def FourBeeps():
# .END
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