So now I have 2 choices, (1) convert the MCP230xx functions for GPi, (2) play with GPi servo motor first, and consider stepping motor later.
So I skimmed the GPi functions. To my surprise again, I found the GPi stepper motor function, which is very short, compared to MCP230xx. I need to read it again to see why it was so short, or whether it is an incomplete function, and of course short!
# *** Stepping motor test using MCP23008 **************************************
# *** Unipolar Stepping Motor 28BYJ48/NPM-PF35/PX245 **************************
# Unipolar Stepping Motor Switching Sequence
# 1. Wave sequence = 1 - 3 - 2 - 4 (A-, B-, A+, B+)
# 2. Full step sequence = 13 - 14 - 24 - 23 (A-B-, A-B+, A+B+, A+B-)
# 3. Half step sequence = 13 - 1 - 14 - 4 - 24 - 2 - 23 - 3
# 4. One step swing = 1 - 3 - 1 - 3 (A-, B-, A-, B-)
# Winding A-(1) A+(2) B-(3) B+(4) COM
# NPM PF35 Black Yellow Brown Orange Red
# 28BYJ48 Pink Orange Blue Yellow Red
# PX245 Black Green Blue Red Yelow/White
# * Convert decimal pin number to hex *
def convert1PinToHex(p): # convert 1 of 8 high pin to hex
hexString = 0x01
for count in range(p-1):
hexString = hexString << 1
return hexString
def convert2PinToHex(p1, p2): # convert 2 of 8 high pins to hex
return (convert1PinToHex(p1) | convert1PinToHex(p2))
def convert2PinToHighNibble(p1, p2): # convert 2 of 8 high pins to high nibble
lowNibble = convert1PinToHex(p1) | convert1PinToHex(p2)
highNibble = lowNibble << 4
return highNibble
# * Move unipolar stepping motor *
def WriteMotorWindingWaveSequence1324(RegisterBaseAddress, NibbleType, StepCount, StepTime): # move motor using 13-24 sequence
# Set port all output
WriteDataByte(Mcp23008BaseAddress1, RegisterAddressOffsetArrayBank0, InputOutputDirection, PortA, AllOutputByte)
if NibbleType == LowNibble:
hexString1 = convert2PinToHex(1, 3)
hexString2 = convert2PinToHex(2, 4)
hexString1 = convert2PinToHighNibble(1, 3)
hexString2 = convert2PinToHighNibble(2, 4)
for i in range(StepCount):
WriteDataByte(Mcp23008BaseAddress1, RegisterAddressOffsetArrayBank0, OutputLatch, PortA, hexString1)
WriteDataByte(Mcp23008BaseAddress1, RegisterAddressOffsetArrayBank0, OutputLatch, PortA, hexString2)
def WriteMotorWindingFullStepSequence13232414(RegisterBaseAddress, NibbleType, StepCount, StepTime): #move motor using 13-23-24-14 sequence
# Set port all output
WriteDataByte(Mcp23008BaseAddress1, RegisterAddressOffsetArrayBank0, InputOutputDirection, PortA, AllOutputByte)
if NibbleType == LowNibble:
motorWindingActivationPatternArray = (0x05, 0x06, 0x0a, 0x09)
motorWindingActivationPatternArray = (0x50, 0x60, 0xa0, 0x90)
for i in range(StepCount):
for pattern in motorWindingActivationPatternArray:
WriteDataByte(Mcp23008BaseAddress1, RegisterAddressOffsetArrayBank0, OutputLatch, PortA, pattern)
def TestConvert1PinToHex(): # test convert 1 high pin to hex
print "*** Testing 1 pin number decimal 0 ~ 7 converted to hexdecimal 0x01 ~ 0x80"
for d in range(8):
print hex(convert1PinToHex(d))
def TestConvert2PinToHex(p1, p2): # test convert 2 high pins to hex
print "*** Testing 2 pin numbers decimal 0 ~ 7 converted to hexdecimal"
print "Pin 1 = ", p1, "Pin 2 = ", p2
print "Hex = ", hex(convert2PinToHex(p1, p2))
def TestConvert2PinToHighNibble(p1, p2): # test convert 2 of 8 high pins to high nibble
print "*** Testing 2 pin numbers decimal 0 ~ 7 converted to high nibble"
print "Pin 1 = ", p1, "Pin 2 = ", p2
print "HighNibble = ", hex(convert2PinToHighNibble(p1, p2))
def MoveTwoMotors(RegisterBaseAddress):
WriteMotorWindingWaveSequence1324(Mcp23008BaseAddress1, LowNibble, TwentyTimes, FiftyMilliSeconds)
WriteMotorWindingWaveSequence1324(Mcp23008BaseAddress1, HighNibble, TwentyTimes, FiftyMilliSeconds)
WriteMotorWindingFullStepSequence13232414(Mcp23008BaseAddress1, LowNibble, TwentyTimes, OneHundredMilliSeconds)
WriteMotorWindingFullStepSequence13232414(Mcp23008BaseAddress1, HighNibble, TwentyTimes, OneHundredMilliSeconds)
def TestMotor():
MotorRegisterBaseAddress = Mcp23008BaseAddress1
def MoveUnipolarSteppingMotor(registerBaseAddress, NibbleType, StepCount, StepTime):
if NibbleType == LowNibble:
hexString1 = convert2PinToHex(1, 3)
hexString2 = convert2PinToHex(2, 4)
hexString1 = convert2PinToHighNibble(1, 3)
hexString2 = convert2PinToHighNibble(2, 4)
for i in range(StepCount):
WriteDataByte(registerBaseAddress, RegisterAddressOffsetArrayBank0, OutputLatch, PortA, hexString1)
WriteDataByte(registerBaseAddress, RegisterAddressOffsetArrayBank0, OutputLatch, PortA, hexString2)
def TestMoveMotor():
registerBaseAddress = Mcp23017BaseAddressSystemB1
nibbleType = LowNibble
stepCount = OneHundredTimes
stepTime = OneHundredMilliSeconds
MoveUnipolarSteppingMotor(registerBaseAddress, nibbleType, 500, 0.05)
# *** Guzunty Pi CPLD (XC9572XL) Functions ************************************
# *** Core 16o8i **************************************************************
# * 16o8i Fitter Report Summary *
# * 17 Outputs **
# Signal Name Loc Pin
# outputs<0> FB1_2 1
# outputs<1> FB1_5 2
# outputs<2> FB1_6 3
# outputs<3> FB1_8 4
# outputs<4> FB1_15 8
# outputs<5> FB1_17 9
# outputs<6> FB2_2 35
# outputs<7> FB2_5 36
# outputs<8> FB2_6 37
# outputs<9> FB2_8 38
# outputs<10> FB2_15 43
# outputs<11> FB2_17 44
# outputs<12> FB3_2 11
# outputs<13> FB3_5 12
# outputs<14> FB3_8 13
# outputs<15> FB3_9 14
# miso FB4_17 34
# ** 11 Inputs **
# Signal Name Loc Pin Type
# inputs<6> FB1_11 6~ GCK/I/O [GCK2]
# inputs<7> FB1_14 7~ GCK/I/O [GCK3]
# inputs<0> FB3_14 19 I/O
# inputs<1> FB3_15 20 I/O
# inputs<2> FB3_16 24 I/O
# inputs<3> FB3_17 22 I/O
# inputs<4> FB4_2 25 I/O
# inputs<5> FB4_5 26 I/O
# sclk FB4_11 28 I/O
# mosi FB4_14 29 I/O
# sel FB4_15 33 I/O
# * Guzunty Pi 16o8i Pin numbering ********************************************
# Pin O0 = Winding 1 (Unipolar stepping motor A- winding)
# Pin O1 = Winding 2 (Unipolar stepping motor A+ winding)
# Pin O2 = Winding 3 (Unipolar stepping motor B- winding)
# Pin O3 = Winding 4 (Unipolar stepping motor B+ winding)
# Pin O4 = Column 0 (Decimal keypad Column 0)
# Pin O5 = Column 1 (Decimal keypad Column 1)
# Pin O5 = Column 2 (Decimal keypad Column 2)
# Pin O7 = Reserved
# Pin O8 = RegisterSelect (LCD1602A)
# Pin O9 = WriteEnable (LCD1602A)
# Pin O10 = DataBit4 (LCD1602A)
# Pin O11 = DataBit5 (LCD1602A)
# Pin O12 = DataBit6 (LCD1602A)
# Pin O13 = DataBit7 (LCD1602A)
# Pin O14 = Reserved
# Pin O15 = Reserved
# Pin I0 = Row 0 (Decimal keypad Row 0)
# Pin I1 = Row 1 (Decimal keypad Row 1)
# Pin I2 = Row 2 (Decimal keypad Row 2)
# Pin I3 = Row 2 (Decimal keypad Row 3)
# Pin I4 = Reserved
# Pin I5 = Reserved
# Pin I6 = Reserved
# Pin I7 = Reserved
# *** Guzunty Pi 28BYJ48 Unipolar Stepping Motor Functions ********************
def WindingHex(windingTuple):
windingHex0 = 0x01 << (windingTuple[0] - 1)
windingHex1 = 0x01 << (windingTuple[1] - 1)
windingHex = windingHex0 | windingHex1
return windingHex
def TestGuzuntyPiSteppingMotor(windingTuple0, windingTuple1, stepCount, stepTime):
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Start testing Guzunty Pi Stepping Motor ***")
windingHex0 = WindingHex(windingTuple0)
windingHex1 = WindingHex(windingTuple1)
guzuntypiSpi = spidev.SpiDev(), 0)
for i in range(stepCount):
guzuntypiSpi.xfer2([windingHex0, 0x00])
guzuntypiSpi.xfer2([windingHex1, 0x00])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Stop testing GuzuntyPi ***")
# *** Guzunty Pi Decimal Keypad Fuctions **************************************
AllColumnLowTuple = (0b01110000, 0b00000000)
Column0LowTuple = (0b00010000, 0b00000000)
Column1LowTuple = (0b00100000, 0b00000000)
Column2LowTuple = (0b01000000, 0b00000000)
ColumnLowTupleTuple = (Column0LowTuple, Column1LowTuple, Column2LowTuple)
def LoopUntilKeypadRowDataNibbleChangeGuzuntyPi(spi, allColumnLowTuple):
NoKeyPressedNibble = 0x0f
rowDataNibble = NoKeyPressedNibble
while (rowDataNibble == NoKeyPressedNibble):
rowDataNibble = GetKeypadRowDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, allColumnLowTuple)
time.sleep(0.05) # debouncing time 50mS
def GetKeypadRowDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, twoByteTuple):
twoByteList = [twoByteTuple[0], twoByteTuple[1]]
rowDataByteList = spi.xfer2(twoByteList)
rowDataNibble = 0x0f & (rowDataByteList[0])
return rowDataNibble
def GetKeypadColumnNumberGuzuntyPi(spi):
NoKeyPressRowDataNibble = 0b1111
for i in range(3):
rowDataNibble = GetKeypadRowDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, ColumnLowTupleTuple[i])
if rowDataNibble != NoKeyPressRowDataNibble:
columnNumber = i
print "Column number = ", columnNumber
return columnNumber
def GetKeypadRowNumberGuzuntyPi(spi):
rowDataNibble = GetKeypadRowDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, AllColumnLowTuple)
DataNibbleTuple = (0b00001110, 0b00001101, 0b00001011, 0b00000111)
for dataNibble in (DataNibbleTuple):
if (dataNibble == rowDataNibble):
rowNumber = DataNibbleTuple.index(dataNibble)
# PrintFourBitPattern("Row data nibble = ", rowDataNibble)
print "Row number = ", rowNumber
return rowNumber
def GetKeyNumberGuzuntyPi(rowNumber, columnNumber):
keyNumber = (rowNumber * 3) + (columnNumber + 1)
print "Key number = ", keyNumber
return keyNumber
def TestKeypadGuzuntyPi():
# *** setup GuzuntyPi ***
spiGuzuntyPi = spidev.SpiDev(), 0)
keyNumber = 99
while (keyNumber != 12):
print "\nPress any key between 0 and 9. Press # to exit, ...\n"
LoopUntilKeypadRowDataNibbleChangeGuzuntyPi(spiGuzuntyPi, AllColumnLowTuple)
columnNumber = GetKeypadColumnNumberGuzuntyPi(spiGuzuntyPi)
rowNumber = GetKeypadRowNumberGuzuntyPi(spiGuzuntyPi)
keyNumber = GetKeyNumberGuzuntyPi(rowNumber, columnNumber)
# *** End of keypad test ***
# LCD1602 software initialization procedure
# Part A - Pseudo 8 bit instructions to config 4 bit instruction mode (0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x20)
# 1. Power on, wait 20mS (> 15mS)
# 2. Write 0x3, wait 5mS (> 4.1mS) # set 8 bit interface
# 3. Write 0x3, wait 1mS (> 100uS) # set 8 bit interface
# 4. Write 0x3, wait 1mS (> 37uS) # set 8 bit interface
# 5. Write 0x2, wait 1mS (> 37uS) # set 4 bit interface
# Part B - 4 bit instructions to config display characteristics (0x28, 0x08, 0x01, 0x06, 0x02)
# 6. Write 0x2, wait 1mS (> 37uS) 0x8 wait 1mS (> 37uS) (2 lines, 5x8 dot)
# 7. Write 0x0, wait 1mS (> 37uS) 0x8 wait 1mS (> 37uS) (cursor on, no blinking, blank screen)
# 8. Write 0x0, wait 1mS (> 37uS) 0x1 wait 2mS (> 1.52mS)(clear display)
# 9. Write 0x0, wait 1mS (> 37uS) 0xe (DisplayOnCursorOnCursorBlinkOff)
# a. Write 0x0, wait 1mS (> 37uS) 0x2 wait 2mS (cursor home)
# RegisterSelect = 0 # 0 = instruction register, 1 = data register
# WriteEnable = 1 # 1 = enable, 0 = disable
# DataBit4 = 2
# DataBit5 = 3
# DataBit6 = 4
# DataBit7 = 5
# AllZeroDataByte = 0x00
# AllOneDataByte = 0xff
# EnableWriteMask = 0x02 # 0b 0000 0010
# DisableWriteMask = 0xfd # 0b 1111 1101
# SelectDataRegisterMask = 0x01 # 0b 0000 0001
# SelectInstructionRegisterMask = 0xfe # 0b 1111 1110
# InstructionRegister = 0
# DataRegister = 1
# EightBitInstructionMode = 0x3
# FourBitInstructionMode = 0x2
# TwoLineFiveTimesEightDot1 = 0x2
# TwoLineFiveTimesEightDot2 = 0x8
# DisplayOnCursorOnCursorBlinkOff1 = 0x0
# DisplayOnCursorOnCursorBlinkOff2 = 0xe
# ClearDisplay1 = 0x0
# ClearDisplay2 = 0x1
# CursorIncrementDisplayNoShift1 = 0x0
# CursorIncrementDisplayNoShift2 = 0x6
# CursorHome1 = 0x0
# CursorHome2 = 0x2
# PowerOnResetDelay = 0.05 # 50mS
# VeryLongOperationDelay = 0.005 # 5mS
# LongOperationDelay = 0.002 # 2mS
# ShortOperationDelay = 0.00005 # 50uS
# WritePulseLength = 0.00005 # 50uS
# * Guzunty Pi LCD1602 Functions **********************************************
def LcdConfigurationGuzuntyPi(spi):
dataControlByte = 0x00
LcdDisableWriteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, EightBitInstructionMode, InstructionRegister, VeryLongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, EightBitInstructionMode, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, EightBitInstructionMode, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, FourBitInstructionMode, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, TwoLineFiveTimesEightDot1, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, TwoLineFiveTimesEightDot2, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, DisplayOnCursorOnCursorBlinkOff1, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, DisplayOnCursorOnCursorBlinkOff2, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, ClearDisplay1, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, ClearDisplay2, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, CursorIncrementDisplayNoShift1, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, CursorIncrementDisplayNoShift2, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, CursorHome1, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, CursorHome2, InstructionRegister, LongOperationDelay)
def LcdWriteDataControlByteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte):
twoByteList = [0x00, dataControlByte]
rowDataByteList = spi.xfer2(twoByteList)
def LcdDisableWriteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte):
DisableWriteAndMask = 0xfd # 0b 1111 1101
dataControlByte = dataControlByte & DisableWriteAndMask
LcdWriteDataControlByteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte)
def LcdEnableWriteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte):
EnableWriteOrMask = 0x02 # 0b 0000 0010
dataControlByte = dataControlByte | EnableWriteOrMask
LcdWriteDataControlByteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte)
def LcdWritePulseGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte):
LcdEnableWriteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte)
LcdDisableWriteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte)
def LcdSelectInstructionRegisterGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte):
SelectInstructionRegisterAndMask = 0xfe # 0b 1111 1110
dataControlByte = dataControlByte & SelectInstructionRegisterAndMask
LcdWriteDataControlByteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte)
def LcdSelectDataRegisterGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte):
SelectDataRegisterOrMask = 0x01 # 0b 0000 0001
dataControlByte = dataControlByte | SelectDataRegisterOrMask
LcdWriteDataControlByteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte)
def LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, dataNibbleByte, registerType, operationDelay):
dataControlByte = dataNibbleByte << 2
if (registerType == InstructionRegister):
LcdSelectInstructionRegisterGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte)
#elif (registerType == DataRegister):
LcdSelectDataRegisterGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte)
#print "dataControlByte = ", hex(dataControlByte)
LcdDisableWriteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte)
LcdWriteDataControlByteGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte)
LcdWritePulseGuzuntyPi(spi, dataControlByte) # perhaps include it in LcdWriteDataByteGuzuntyPi()
#def LcdWriteDataNibbleMcp23017(registerBaseAddress, dataByte, dataNibble, registerType, operationDelay):
# dataNibble = dataNibble << 2
# dataByte = dataByte & 0b11000011
# dataByte = dataByte | dataNibble
# if (registerType == InstructionRegister):
# dataByte = LcdSelectInstructionRegisterMcp23017(registerBaseAddress, dataByte)
# elif (registerType == DataRegister):
# dataByte = LcdSelectDataRegisterMcp23017(registerBaseAddress, dataByte)
# LcdDisableWriteMcp23017(registerBaseAddress, dataByte)
# dataByte = LcdWriteDataByteMcp23017(registerBaseAddress, dataByte)
# LcdWritePulseMcp23017(registerBaseAddress, dataByte)
# time.sleep(operationDelay)
# return dataByte
def LcdMoveCursorGuzuntyPi(spi, rowNumber, columnNumber):
if (rowNumber == 1):
cursorByte = 0x80 | (0x00 + (columnNumber - 1)) # command = 0x80, row 1 DDRAM start address = 0x10
elif (rowNumber == 2):
cursorByte = 0x80 | (0x40 + (columnNumber - 1)) # row 2 DDRAM start address = 0x40
LcdWriteDataByteFourBitModeGuzuntyPi(spi, cursorByte, InstructionRegister)
def LcdWriteDataByteFourBitModeGuzuntyPi(spi, dataByte, registerType):
upperNibble = dataByte >> 4
lowerNibble = dataByte & 0x0f
LcdWriteCharTwoNibblesGuzuntyPi(spi, upperNibble, lowerNibble, registerType)
def LcdWriteCharTwoNibblesGuzuntyPi(spi, upperNibble, lowerNibble, registerType):
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, upperNibble, registerType, ShortOperationDelay)
LcdWriteDataNibbleGuzuntyPi(spi, lowerNibble, registerType, ShortOperationDelay)
def LcdWriteCharStringGuzuntyPi(spi, string):
for asciiChar in (string):
LcdWriteCharFourBitModeGuzuntyPi(spi, asciiChar)
def LcdWriteCharFourBitModeGuzuntyPi(spi, asciiChar):
charUpperNibble = ord(asciiChar) >> 4
charLowerNibble = ord(asciiChar) & 0x0f
LcdWriteCharTwoNibblesGuzuntyPi(spi, charUpperNibble, charLowerNibble, DataRegister)
def TestLcdGuzuntyPi():
spiGuzuntyPi = spidev.SpiDev(), 0)
LcdMoveCursorGuzuntyPi(spiGuzuntyPi, 1, 1)
#LcdMoveCursorGuzuntyPi(spiGuzuntyPi, 2, 1)
#LcdWriteCharFourBitModeGuzuntyPi(spiGuzuntyPi, "A")
#LcdWriteCharFourBitModeGuzuntyPi(spiGuzuntyPi, "A")
#LcdWriteCharFourBitModeGuzuntyPi(spiGuzuntyPi, "A")
LcdWriteCharStringGuzuntyPi(spiGuzuntyPi, ProgramTitle1)
# * Guzunty Pi 8p8i core PWM functions ****************************************
# * Robot Arm Functions *
# * Set 1 Robot Arm pwm duty cycle
def SetPwmDutyCycle0(spiChannel, stateVector, index):
spiChannel.xfer2([index, stateVector[index]])
# * Set all Robot Arm pwm duty cycles
def SetRobotArmPwmDutyCycle(spiChannel, robotArmStateVector):
for i in range(len(robotArmStateVector)):
SetPwmDutyCycle0(spiChannel, robotArmStateVector, i)
# * Robot Neck Functions *
# * Set 1 Robot Neck pwm duty cycle
def SetPwmDutyCycle4(spiChannel, stateVector, index):
spiChannel.xfer2([index + 4, stateVector[index]]) # *** Robot Neck PWM start at 4
# * Set all Robot Neck pwm duty cycles
def SetRobotNeckPwmDutyCycle(spiChannel, robotNeckStateVector):
for i in range(len(robotNeckStateVector)):
SetPwmDutyCycle4(spiChannel, robotNeckStateVector, i)
# * Move servo *
def MoveServo(spiChannel, PwmNumber, PwmDutyCycle):
spiChannel.xfer2([PwmNumber, PwmDutyCycle])
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# * Test reset, all left most, right most, middle, shoulder only *
def TestGuzuntyPiRobotArm():
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Start testing Guzunty Pi Robot Arm ***")
# Open SPI Channel 0,0 for Guzunty Pi
spiGuzuntyPi = spidev.SpiDev()
#, 0), 1)
# * PWM duty cycle calibration *
# CwMax = 13 # for 14.4 KHz clock
# CcwMax = 30
CwMax = 6 # for 7.2 KHz clock
CcwMax = 16
RightMost = CwMax
LeftMost = CcwMax
Middle = (RightMost + LeftMost) / 2
OpenFully = RightMost
CloseFully = LeftMost
OpenHalf = Middle
UpMost = RightMost
DownMost = LeftMost
# * Robot arm parts numbering *
Shoulder = 0
Elbow = 1
Wrist = 2
Hand = 3
# * Robot neck parts numbering *
NeckLeftRight = 4
NeckUpDown = 5
# * Bobot head parts numbering *
HeadEye = 6
HeadEar = 7
# * Robot arm state vector constants *
RobotArmStateVectorReset = [RightMost, Middle, RightMost, LeftMost]
RobotArmStateVectorAllMiddle = [Middle, Middle, Middle, Middle, Middle]
RobotArmStateVectorAllRightMost = [RightMost, RightMost, RightMost, RightMost]
RobotArmStateVectorAllLeftMost = [LeftMost, LeftMost, LeftMost, LeftMost]
# * Robot neck state vector constants *
RobotNeckStateVectorReset = [Middle, Middle]
RobotNeckStateVectorAllMiddle = [Middle, Middle]
RobotNeckStateVectorAllRightMostUpMost = [RightMost, UpMost]
RobotNeckStateVectorAllLeftMostDownMost = [LeftMost, DownMost]
# *** Robot arm functions *************************************************
# Robot arm state vector variable *
robotArmStateVector = []
# * Robot arm reset *
robotArmStateVector = RobotArmStateVectorReset[:]
SetRobotArmPwmDutyCycle(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector)
# * All servos left most *
robotArmStateVector = RobotArmStateVectorAllLeftMost[:]
SetRobotArmPwmDutyCycle(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector)
# * All servos right most *
robotArmStateVector = RobotArmStateVectorAllRightMost[:]
SetRobotArmPwmDutyCycle(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector)
# * All servos middle *
robotArmStateVector = RobotArmStateVectorAllMiddle[:]
SetRobotArmPwmDutyCycle(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector)
# * Robot arm reset *
robotArmStateVector = RobotArmStateVectorReset[:]
SetRobotArmPwmDutyCycle(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector)
# * Shoulder middle *
robotArmStateVector[Shoulder] = Middle
SetPwmDutyCycle0(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector, Shoulder)
# * Shoulder right most *
robotArmStateVector[Shoulder] = RightMost
SetPwmDutyCycle0(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector, Shoulder)
# * Shoulder left most *
robotArmStateVector[Shoulder] = LeftMost
SetPwmDutyCycle0(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector, Shoulder)
# * Hand fully open *
robotArmStateVector[Hand] = OpenFully
SetPwmDutyCycle0(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector, Hand)
# * Hand fully close *
robotArmStateVector[Hand] = CloseFully
SetPwmDutyCycle0(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector, Hand)
# * Hand half open *
robotArmStateVector[Hand] = OpenHalf
SetPwmDutyCycle0(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector, Hand)
# * Robot arm reset *
robotArmStateVector = RobotArmStateVectorReset[:]
SetRobotArmPwmDutyCycle(spiGuzuntyPi, robotArmStateVector)
# *** Robot Neck Functions ************************************************
# Robot neck state vector variable *
robotNeckStateVector = []
# * Robot neck reset *
robotNeckStateVector = RobotNeckStateVectorReset[:]
SetRobotNeckPwmDutyCycle(spiGuzuntyPi, robotNeckStateVector)
# * All servos right most up most *
robotNeckStateVector = RobotNeckStateVectorAllRightMostUpMost[:]
SetRobotNeckPwmDutyCycle(spiGuzuntyPi, robotNeckStateVector)
# * All servos left most down most *
robotNeckStateVector = RobotNeckStateVectorAllLeftMostDownMost[:]
SetRobotNeckPwmDutyCycle(spiGuzuntyPi, robotNeckStateVector)
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Stop testing Guzunty Pi ***")
# *****************************************************************************
# * Test one servo *
def TestGuzuntyPiServo(testTime):
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Start testing Guzunty Pi Servo ***")
spiGuzuntyPi = spidev.SpiDev(), 1)
for i in range(2, 32):
print "Duty cycle = ", i
MoveServo(spiGuzuntyPi, PwmNumber = 6, PwmDutyCycle = i)
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Stop testing Guzunty Pi ***")
# *** 7-segment LED functions *********************************************
def TestSetGpClk0WiringPi1(frequency):
io = wiringpi.GPIO(wiringpi.GPIO.WPI_MODE_PINS)
# io.pinMode(7, io.OUTPUT)
# io.digitalWrite(7, io.HIGH)
io.pinMode(7, io.GPIO_CLOCK) # not working !!!
io.gpioClockSet (7, frequency) # not working !!!
def TestSetGpClk0WiringPi2(frequency):
wiringpi2.pinMode(7, 1) # OK
wiringpi2.digitalWrite(7, 1) # OK
# wiringpi2.pinMode(7, GPIO_CLOCK) # not working !!!
# wiringpi2.digitalWrite(7, frequency) # not working !!!
def TestSetGpClk0Subprocess(frequency):
returnCode = call(["gpio mode 7 clock", "gpio clock 7 960000"], shell = True)
returnCode = call("gpio clock 7 4800000", shell=True)
returnCode = call("gpio clock 7 2400000", shell=True)
returnCode = call("gpio clock 7 15000", shell=True)
# *** Backup 2013apr17 ***
#def TestLedDriverCore():
# # *** Set GPCLK0 pin to 4.68 KHz ***
# returnCode = call(["gpio mode 7 clock"], shell = True)
# returnCode = call("gpio clock 7 4688", shell=True)
# # *** Setup SPI channel ***
# spiGuzuntyPi = spidev.SpiDev()
#, 0)
# # *** Load 4 7-segment patterns to digit pattern list ***
# SevenSegments0 = 0x3f
# SevenSegments1 = 0x06
# SevenSegments2 = 0x5b
# SevenSegments3 = 0x4f
# sevenSegmentsList = [SevenSegments0, SevenSegments1, SevenSegments2, SevenSegments3]
# sevenSegmentsListAllHigh = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]
# sevenSegmentsListAllLow = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
# # *** Write digit pattern list to Guzunty Pi ***
# for i in range(10):
# spiGuzuntyPi.xfer2(sevenSegmentsListAllHigh)
# time.sleep(1)
# spiGuzuntyPi.xfer2(sevenSegmentsListAllLow)
# time.sleep(1)
def SetRpiPin7GpClk0Frequency4688Hz():
returnCode = call(["gpio mode 7 clock"], shell = True)
returnCode = call("gpio clock 7 4688", shell=True)
def TestGuzuntyPiLedDriver01(spiChannel):
# *** 7 segment patterns ***
#PatternDigit0 = ~0x3f
#PatternDigit1 = ~0x06
#PatternDigit2 = ~0x5b
#PatternDigit3 = ~0x4f
#PatternSpace = 0xff
#PatternAllOn = 0x00
PatternBigG = 0x3d
PatternSmallG = 0x6f
PatternSmallO = 0x5c
PatternSmallD = 0x5e
PatternDigit0 = 0x3f
PatternDigit1 = 0x06
PatternDigit2 = 0x5b
PatternDigit3 = 0x4f
PatternSpace = ~0xff
PatternAllOn = ~0x00
PatternBigG = 0x3d
PatternSmallG = 0x6f
PatternSmallO = 0x5c
PatternSmallD = 0x5e
PatternListAllOff = [PatternSpace, PatternSpace, PatternSpace, PatternSpace]
PatternListAllOn = [PatternAllOn, PatternAllOn, PatternAllOn, PatternAllOn]
PatternList0123 = [PatternDigit0, PatternDigit1, PatternDigit2, PatternDigit3]
PatternListGood = [PatternBigG, PatternSmallO, PatternSmallO, PatternSmallD]
# *** time digits ***
timeString = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
print timeString
print "Hour digit 1 = ", timeString[11:12]
print "Hour digit 2 = ", timeString[12:13]
print "Minute digit 1 = ", timeString[14:15]
print "Minute digit 2 = ", timeString[15:16]
print "Second digit 1 = ", timeString[17:18]
print "Second digit 2 = ", timeString[18:19]
hourDoubleDigit = [timeString[11:12], timeString[12:13]]
print "hourDoubleDigit 0 = ", hourDoubleDigit[0]
print "hourDoubleDigit 1 = ", hourDoubleDigit[1]
minuteDoubleDigit = [timeString[14:15], timeString[15:16]]
print "minuteDoubleDigit 0 = ", minuteDoubleDigit[0]
print "minuteDoubleDigit 1 = ", minuteDoubleDigit[1]
secondDoubleDigit = [timeString[17:18], timeString[18:19]]
print "secondDoubleDigit 0 = ", secondDoubleDigit[0]
print "secondDoubleDigit 1 = ", secondDoubleDigit[1]
timeHexDigit = [hourDoubleDigit, minuteDoubleDigit, secondDoubleDigit]
print "hour = ", (timeHexDigit[0])[0], (timeHexDigit[0])[1]
timeHexDigit = [minuteDoubleDigit, minuteDoubleDigit, secondDoubleDigit]
print "minute = ", (timeHexDigit[0])[0], (timeHexDigit[0])[1]
timeHexDigit = [secondDoubleDigit, minuteDoubleDigit, secondDoubleDigit]
print "second = ", (timeHexDigit[0])[0], (timeHexDigit[0])[1]
# *** 4 digit 7-segment LED displays ***
# spiGuzuntyPi.xfer2(PatternListAllOff)
# time.sleep(1)
# spiGuzuntyPi.xfer2(PatternListAllOn)
# time.sleep(1)
# spiGuzuntyPi.xfer2(PatternList0123)
# time.sleep(2)
# spiGuzuntyPi.xfer2(PatternListGood)
# time.sleep(2)
SpiWrite(spiChannel, PatternListAllOff)
SpiWrite(spiChannel, PatternListAllOn)
SpiWrite(spiChannel, PatternList0123)
SpiWrite(spiChannel, PatternListGood)
# SevenSegmentPatternNumbers = [~0x3f, ~0x06, ~0x5b, ~0x4f, ~0x66, ~0x6d, ~0x7d, ~0x07, ~0x7f, ~0x6f]
SevenSegmentPatternNumbers = [0x3f, 0x06, 0x5b, 0x4f, 0x66, 0x6d, 0x7d, 0x07, 0x7f, 0x6f]
decimalPoint = 0
for i in range(2):
timeString = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
hourDoubleDigit = [timeString[11:12], timeString[12:13]]
minuteDoubleDigit = [timeString[14:15], timeString[15:16]]
secondDoubleDigit = [timeString[17:18], timeString[18:19]]
minuteDigit0 = SevenSegmentPatternNumbers[int(minuteDoubleDigit[0])]
minuteDigit1 = SevenSegmentPatternNumbers[int(minuteDoubleDigit[1])]
secondDigit0 = SevenSegmentPatternNumbers[int(secondDoubleDigit[0])]
secondDigit1 = SevenSegmentPatternNumbers[int(secondDoubleDigit[1])]
if (decimalPoint == 0):
#minuteDigit1 &= ~0x80
minuteDigit1 |= 0x80
decimalPoint = 1
decimalPoint = 0
minuteSecondQuadDigitList = [minuteDigit0, minuteDigit1, secondDigit0, secondDigit1]
SpiWrite(spiChannel, minuteSecondQuadDigitList)
def TestGuzuntyPiLedDriver00(spiChannel, channelNumber, chipEnableNumber):
spiGuzuntyPi = spidev.SpiDev(), 1)
# *** 7 segment patterns ***
#PatternDigit0 = ~0x3f
#PatternDigit1 = ~0x06
#PatternDigit2 = ~0x5b
#PatternDigit3 = ~0x4f
#PatternSpace = 0xff
#PatternAllOn = 0x00
PatternBigG = 0x3d
PatternSmallG = 0x6f
PatternSmallO = 0x5c
PatternSmallD = 0x5e
PatternDigit0 = 0x3f
PatternDigit1 = 0x06
PatternDigit2 = 0x5b
PatternDigit3 = 0x4f
PatternSpace = ~0xff
PatternAllOn = ~0x00
PatternBigG = 0x3d
PatternSmallG = 0x6f
PatternSmallO = 0x5c
PatternSmallD = 0x5e
PatternListAllOff = [PatternSpace, PatternSpace, PatternSpace, PatternSpace]
PatternListAllOn = [PatternAllOn, PatternAllOn, PatternAllOn, PatternAllOn]
PatternList0123 = [PatternDigit0, PatternDigit1, PatternDigit2, PatternDigit3]
PatternListGood = [PatternBigG, PatternSmallO, PatternSmallO, PatternSmallD]
# *** time digits ***
timeString = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
print timeString
print "Hour digit 1 = ", timeString[11:12]
print "Hour digit 2 = ", timeString[12:13]
print "Minute digit 1 = ", timeString[14:15]
print "Minute digit 2 = ", timeString[15:16]
print "Second digit 1 = ", timeString[17:18]
print "Second digit 2 = ", timeString[18:19]
hourDoubleDigit = [timeString[11:12], timeString[12:13]]
print "hourDoubleDigit 0 = ", hourDoubleDigit[0]
print "hourDoubleDigit 1 = ", hourDoubleDigit[1]
minuteDoubleDigit = [timeString[14:15], timeString[15:16]]
print "minuteDoubleDigit 0 = ", minuteDoubleDigit[0]
print "minuteDoubleDigit 1 = ", minuteDoubleDigit[1]
secondDoubleDigit = [timeString[17:18], timeString[18:19]]
print "secondDoubleDigit 0 = ", secondDoubleDigit[0]
print "secondDoubleDigit 1 = ", secondDoubleDigit[1]
timeHexDigit = [hourDoubleDigit, minuteDoubleDigit, secondDoubleDigit]
print "hour = ", (timeHexDigit[0])[0], (timeHexDigit[0])[1]
timeHexDigit = [minuteDoubleDigit, minuteDoubleDigit, secondDoubleDigit]
print "minute = ", (timeHexDigit[0])[0], (timeHexDigit[0])[1]
timeHexDigit = [secondDoubleDigit, minuteDoubleDigit, secondDoubleDigit]
print "second = ", (timeHexDigit[0])[0], (timeHexDigit[0])[1]
# *** 4 digit 7-segment LED displays ***
# SevenSegmentPatternNumbers = [~0x3f, ~0x06, ~0x5b, ~0x4f, ~0x66, ~0x6d, ~0x7d, ~0x07, ~0x7f, ~0x6f]
SevenSegmentPatternNumbers = [0x3f, 0x06, 0x5b, 0x4f, 0x66, 0x6d, 0x7d, 0x07, 0x7f, 0x6f]
decimalPoint = 0
for i in range(2):
timeString = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
hourDoubleDigit = [timeString[11:12], timeString[12:13]]
minuteDoubleDigit = [timeString[14:15], timeString[15:16]]
secondDoubleDigit = [timeString[17:18], timeString[18:19]]
minuteDigit0 = SevenSegmentPatternNumbers[int(minuteDoubleDigit[0])]
minuteDigit1 = SevenSegmentPatternNumbers[int(minuteDoubleDigit[1])]
secondDigit0 = SevenSegmentPatternNumbers[int(secondDoubleDigit[0])]
secondDigit1 = SevenSegmentPatternNumbers[int(secondDoubleDigit[1])]
if (decimalPoint == 0):
#minuteDigit1 &= ~0x80
minuteDigit1 |= 0x80
decimalPoint = 1
decimalPoint = 0
minuteSecondQuadDigitList = [minuteDigit0, minuteDigit1, secondDigit0, secondDigit1]
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