
Sunday, May 05, 2013

Raspberry Pi Guzunty Pi duo on shoe rack

Now I have placed the RPi GPi duo in a translucent A4 size paper tray, which is shoe racked up for further experiments.

To make sure the JTAG connections are still OK, I reloaded gz_led_driver.xsvf and ran the again (I did not run the gz_demo.c because it assumes GPi is assigned SPI channel 0).  The program does the following.

1. Beep once, making sure RPi GPIO buffer pin is working OK.

2. Blink 4 digit LEDs on and off, making sure all the 4 LED's 7 segments are working.

3. Display message "good", and then starts 4 digit clock, making sure clock signal at 4.69 KHz, and SPI channel 1 work OK.


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